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Executive Committee

SCR Executive Committee

The SCR Exec is made up of elected members, each of whom performs different roles in ensuring the smooth running of the SCR. Each member and their role and contact information can be found below.


The SCR President attends weekly meetings with college officers and the Principal. They are responsible for speaking on behalf of the SCR. They are also responsible for the welfare of the SCR Exec and all Members. They are responsible for the management of SCR facilities and is responsible for maintaining the common room website. The President also supports all roles of exec.


As the Chair, they are responsible for coordinating the actions of the SCR officers and chairing meetings of the SCR and the Exec. In conjunction with the Treasurer, they ensure the up-to-date nature of the Members’ list on a termly basis. They also helps maintain the Common Room.


The Welfare Officer works with others in the SCR to ensure a positive environment. They act as the first point of contact for members where concerns about SCR welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified. They promote the organisation’s best-practice guidance within the SCR and ensures adherence to the University safeguarding training. The Welfare Officer also ensures appropriate confidentiality is maintained and promotes the anti-discriminatory practice. They work with other executive members to create a safe and supportive environment.


The Social Media Chair is responsible for all social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Discord). They are responsible for the dissemination of information to SCR members by the arrangement of the Secretary. They also help maintain the Common Room.


The Social Secretary organises social events for the Members of the SCR, including High-table formals and Members Nights. They chair a sub-committee that supports the Social Secretary in all aspects of the role as they see fit. They also help maintain the Common Room.